José Romero-Keith

Jose Romero Keith photography

Country of birth: United States/United Mexican States

Country of residence: Mexico

Areas of expertise within Global Health: Capacity development for local health systems

Professional experience: PAHO-WHO, 7 years as HIV Aids focal point for Mexico; UNDP 9 years as international staff as Regional Coordinator for LAC in Capacity Development

Languages:  Spanish, English

Countries in which Mentor has worked: Central America, Guatemala, ELS, Hondura, Panamá, Costa Rica. En SudAmérica, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil y Bolivia. En Africa, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Sud Africa, Zimbawe, Sao Tomé y Príncipe. En Norte América, USA y México.

Why do you want to be a Mentor?

I want to share my work experience; maybe avoid some mistakes towards more freedom in action. Keeping in touch with the young, keeps one young.

Advice to someone entering the field of Global Health:

“I would first have to listen to them carefully, profile their values and intention, and based on that contemplate if I can be useful to him/her. If yes, I would then open up dialogue.”


Juan Manuel Sotelo


Carlene Radix